Duel Of Fates

Deep in the lair of Frenzy Demon, HanumaN battle to his last breath
to end the conquest on mortal by an unholy creature.
Faces of kins death flashes in front of him, making revenge is his priority.
He followed the demon to his hive, with one thing on his mind to send
the demon to his death.

" Following the retreat demon to their lair "

As he step in the damp and cold lair, and human bone everywhere.

Bone of the mortal that had tried to kill the frenzy demon.

The demon lord had expected HanumaN following his trail.

But the demon lord didn’t know that the Destiny Lord on his side.

"Already They Had Expected Him Coming "

Praying to his lords for guidance and powers beyond his mortal body

to fight the evil within.

He concentrate on doubling his powers and wishing for lord destiny help.

Suddenly a shining light came through the cavern and shone on HanumaN.

Lord Destiny has answer his pray, he was give a powerful skill that

can match the Frenzy Demon Lord.

Suitable to his name HanumaN ( indian beast god ) the became

The Ancient Ape Of Himalaya.

" A Gift From The Destiny Lord "

Even the demon lord didn’t expect that. Now match HanumaN powers

demon-lord. The Demon lord strike and strike with his mighty

Victory Spear. But still he can’t kill the mighty ape.

The Mighty Ape roar loudly and flung the gorgon out of lair into

the deep ditch.

" The Roar Of Death "

The Frenzy Demon Lord was trying to run, but was caught by the horns

and hands by the mighty ape. Struggling to go free, the demon

was now trap. Today he had met his match.

The Ape pull hard on both parts which he is holding.

Roaring and stretching the demon as strong as his might could go.


"I Caught You"

Krakkkk… the demon body part was spilt in two. Gushing blood of an

unholy creature poured on the cavern floor. Black as black tar was his blood.

The ape throws the body into the labyrinth and was never seen again.

Now HanumaN has revenged for this fellow kins that died in vain.

Even the Demo Gorgon keep out of HanumaN’s way.

" KRAKKKK..Your are terminated "

A teleport appeared send by the Lord Destiny to take their Mighty

champion home.

He moved slowly towards the teleport.

" A Teleport Opened"

HanumaN step on the platform, and the teleport started spinning.

A shining light shone and zaps.

HanumaN was teleported to somewhere…but where?

" Riding On The Teleport Of Courage "

The Lord Had Given Him The Gift Of Immortality and life in the

heavens. Now he is truly happy and be what he suppose to be….